Health Care Professional: Login or Register | Tools for Health Care Providers

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All fields must be completed in order to create your profile. We rely on you to provide accurate and truthful information.


  1. In providing services in conjunction with this site, I will uphold and abide by my profession’s code of ethics, standards of conduct, and/or rules of professional responsibility, as the case may be.
  2. I consent to the disclosure of the information I have provided to be posted on the website directory and to this information being disclosed publicly by Thomson Rogers by any means including in writing, electronically and verbally.
  3. If I provide any link to a website to be included on, its content does not violate any law including human rights law, criminal law and the law of defamation.
  4. I will notify Thomson Rogers immediately if any of the above changes or is no longer true.

I understand that all of these conditions must be met in order for my listing to appear on, and that these requirements must be maintained for the duration of time that my listing appears. I further understand that if any of the foregoing requirements cease to be met (i.e. my membership/registration/insurance expires) my listing will be immediately withdrawn from

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