Ann Marquis
Rehab Therapist
Wright Rehab
Contact Details:
525 Lower Oak Leaf rd
Athens, ON
K0E1B0, Canada
525 Lower Oak Leaf rd
Athens, ON
K0E1B0, Canada
Office Number:
613 340 4018
Fax Number:
1-866-242-0792 Website:
525 Lower Oak Leaf rd
Athens, ON
K0E1B0, Canada
Athens, ON
K0E1B0, Canada
Region(s) of service:
South Eastern Ontario
Will perform in home treatment.
I treat the following age groups: Minor (under 18), Adult (18-64), Senior (65+) I treat the following injuries: Brain Injury, Paraplegia, Quadriplegia, Spinal Cord
I treat the following age groups: Minor (under 18), Adult (18-64), Senior (65+) I treat the following injuries: Brain Injury, Paraplegia, Quadriplegia, Spinal Cord
I have over 30 yrs experience serving clients and families in in the social serve field, 17 yrs dedicated to supporting clients with Brain and Spinal Cord Injuries providing in home and community rehabilitation support. I presently am the Eastern Ontario regional coordinator with Wright Rehab.
Has been practicing since 2002
I have worked with the following lawyers:
Posted: Nov 2, 2016