Jacquie Levy
Contact Details:
Nepean, ON
K2G 1G9, Canada
Region(s) of service:
Jacquie has more than 20 years experience in the areas of adult and paediatric neurology, and in working with clients with complex rehabilitation needs. She received her clinical specialist certification in neurosciences from the Physiotherapy Specialty Certification Board of Canada in May 2012 and is an assessor for the specialty program. Jacquie has advanced NDT/Bobath certification and is certified in the LSVT BIG method of treatment for Parkinson’s disease. She is also a PWR (Parkinson’s Wellness Recovery) Clinician. She has taken courses in a variety of treatment techniques including Constraint Induced Movement Therapy, Motor Relearning and Graded Motor Imagery. Her special interests include the transition and re-integration of patients with multiple needs into the community and fitness programming for the disabled. Jacquie provides physiotherapy consultation and teaching to many of the community exercise programs for these clients in Ottawa, including the Acquired Brain Injury Program (City of Ottawa) and the Aphasia Centre of Ottawa. Jacquie and Wendy have taught several workshops for professional working with Stroke survivors. Jacquie has worked as a member of the Ontario Provincial Guidelines Committee helping to establish guidelines for exercise programming for Stroke survivors and is the physiotherapy representative to the Health Advisory Committee of the Champlain LHIN. She is a clinical supervisor for the University of Ottawa Physiotherapy Program and has been invited to join the neurology team teaching parts of the Neuro physiotherapy practical curriculum. Jacquie has recently been elected to the Ontario Physiotherapy Board of Directors.
Has been practicing since 1990