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Judie Hill

Physical Therapist (Physiotherapist)
Languages: English
Organization: DMARehability
Contact Details:
1151 Florence St.
Suite 300
London, ON
N5W 2M7, Canada
Office Number:
1151 Florence St.
Suite 300
London, ON
N5W 2M7, Canada
Region(s) of service:
Southwest Ontario
Will perform in home treatment.

Judie is a physiotherapist with over 22 years of clinical experience treating adults and children who have sustained an acquired brain injury, or complex orthopaedic trauma, as a result of a motor vehicle collision. In 2001, Judie, achieved her Certification in Neurological Development Treatment (NDT) and in 2009, she received her Certificate in Vestibular Competency . Judie’s main areas of treatment include: adult / paediatric acquired brain injury, and complex orthopaedic injuries and trauma.

Regulated Health Care professional in good standing.
Has been practicing since 1989
Posted: Mar 26, 2013
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