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Elizabeth Fox

Physical Therapist (Physiotherapist)
Languages: English
Organization: NeuPhysio Rehabilitation
Contact Details:
131 Wharncliffe Road South Suite A
London, ON
N6J 2K4, Canada
Office Number:
Fax Number:
Mobile Number:
131 Wharncliffe Road South Suite A
London, ON
N6J 2K4, Canada
Region(s) of service:
Southwest Ontario

Elizabeth is a Physiotherapist with considerable clinical experience in several areas of practice. She holds an undergraduate degree in Kinesiology and a Bachelor's of Science degree in Physiotherapy. Elizabeth also received a Master's Degree in Physiotherapy. After approximately one year working in acute care at Women's College Hospital and University Campus of London Health Sciences Centre (LHSC), Elizabeth moved to community and clinic-based practice. she maintained a casual position within LHSC. Elizabeth continues to work in private practice with a special interest in aquatic physiotherapy therapy. She works with clients who suffer from pain, complex orthopaedic injuries, dizziness and vestibular problems, neurological conditions and musculoskeletal problems. She has extensive post-graduate training in McKenzie MDT, chronic pain, aquatic rehabilitation, the APTEI method, SahrmanMSA, and vestibular rehabilitation.

Regulated Health Care professional in good standing.
Has been practicing since 1996
Posted: Feb 19, 2012 - Updated: Feb 21, 2012
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