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Lorein Estephan-Mezher

Physical Therapist (Physiotherapist)
Languages: English, Arabic, French
Organization: Quality Care Physiotherapy
Contact Details:
1355 Bank Street, Suite 105A
Ottawa, ON
K1H8K7, Canada
Office Number:
Fax Number:
1355 Bank Street, Suite 105A
Ottawa, ON
K1H8K7, Canada
Region(s) of service:
Ottawa and Countryside
I treat the following injuries: Amputation, Chronic Pain, Orthopaedic, Quadriplegia, Soft Tissue, Spinal Cord

I have been assessing and treating patients who have been involved in a motor vehicle accident since 2000. I have extensive experience with patients with quadraplegia, paraplegia, amputations, multiple fractures, TBI and various soft tissue injuries. I offer a variety of different type of care and focus on improving function, increasing general mobility and decreasing pain.

Regulated Health Care professional in good standing.
Has been practicing since 2000
Posted: Feb 17, 2012
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