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Hans Boehnke

Languages: English
Organization: Chiropractic Centre
Contact Details:
134 Main Street Markham North
Markham Ontario, ON
L3P 1Y3, Canada
Office Number:
Fax Number:
134 Main Street Markham North
Markham Ontario, ON
L3P 1Y3, Canada
Region(s) of service:
Greater Toronto Area

Chiropractor in practice 40 years Diplomate in Applied Kinesiology Was member of the International Board of Examiners for the International College of Applied Kinesiology for 20 years the last three of those years as president. i have taught Applied Kinesiology in Ontario, Alberta and USA. I have lectured on AK in Australia, England, and Germany. I taught AK at the University of Potsdam in Germany for 10 years going over once or twice a year for 1-2 weeks at a time. I am currently in private practice in Markham.

Regulated Health Care professional in good standing.
Has been practicing since Before 1985
Posted: Dec 23, 2011
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