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Aaron Blake

Rehabilitation, Rehab Therapist
Languages: English
Organization: Lawlor Therapy Support Services Inc.
Contact Details:
1550 South Gateway Road, Suite 328
Mississauga, ON
L4W 5G6, Canada
Office Number:
905-451-1772 ext. 290
Fax Number:
1550 South Gateway Road, Suite 328
Mississauga, ON
L4W 5G6, Canada
Region(s) of service:
Greater Toronto Area, Hamilton, Halton and Brant, Niagara Falls and Wine Country, York, Durham and Hills of Headwaters

Provide rehabilitation therapy to clients living in the community with an acquired brain injury or other trauma under the direction of a regulated health care professional and working as part of an interdisciplinary team. Coaching, mentoring, training provided in the skill acquisition in activities of daily living, leisure/school/work integration. Assisting clients in their functional, behavioural and cognitive skills and contribute to the design and delivery of rehabilitation programs aimed at reducing the impact of impairments, promoting independence and improving well-being. Provide guidance in the development and practice of physical and aquatic therapy in the community as directed by the physical therapist. Monitor, observe, and record information on behaviour and all other areas requiring objective data. Provide feedback to the supervising regulated health care professional and liaise with community resources to assist clients to successfully integrate into their home and community environments as safely and independently as possible.

Has been practicing since 2007
Posted: Aug 28, 2014 - Updated: Sep 5, 2014
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