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Dr.Way Yuan

Acupuncturist, Doctor
Languages: English, Chinese, French
Organization: 3H Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine
Contact Details:
87 Spadina Ave.
Ottawa, ON
K1Y 2B9, Canada
Office Number:
87 Spadina Ave.
Ottawa, ON
K1Y 2B9, Canada
Region(s) of service:
Ottawa and Countryside

Hello my friend,Please just call me Way.I hope you find the right way to improve your health. I was born from a Chinese medicine family, I have been studying and practising acupuncture and traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) since 1978. I completed a 5 year professional program (1978-83) at Hunan College of TCM in Changsha, China. Then I continued my postgraduate training (1983-86) in TCM with a thesis entitled “A Study on the Inner Developmental Laws of the Basic Theories of TCM.” In 1988, the College appointed me TCM lecturer . I co-authored books and published many articles in TCM journals. In 1991, I received an M.A. degree in medical history from the University of Ottawa. My mémoire was on medical missionaries and the introduction of modern surgery to China". In August 2000, I completed a Ph.D. thesis on the history of traditional Chinese medicine in Canada. While pursuing my studies, I maintained my practice because I believe that practice is the core of TCM. This should be true even for TCM scholars and researchers. Otherwise, his (or her) work will have no life. My manuscript "Eastern Medicine Moves West: TCM in Canada" is in the process of becoming a book. As a healer, scholar and teacher, I am believed to be one of the best TCM practitioners in the Western world.

Regulated Health Care professional in good standing.
Has been practicing since Before 1985
Posted: Mar 30, 2012
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